Thought about you especially when Philip visited the farm this year.
So pleased that Paul and Jill, David & rosie came along and little Evie was the star of the show! Thanks for your support as ever.
A temendous amount raised from the raffle. Everyone was so generous with the prizes that they brought and the table decorations that were raffled off were beautifully put together by Lesley & Dorothy.
From Victoria and friends. Really nice to have them there and to meet Lucy.
From Molly and Connie.
So lovely to have Lesley, Dorothy, Shirley and Jackie along with Joanna and Julie. lots of fun and so supportive.
So pleased that Frank & Margaret, Father Christopher and Helena came along. Always so supportive and kind.
Lovely of Jane and her mum Janet to support us.
Gordon & Eileen brought along 18 friends and Gordon paid for the band which boosted the takings. Many Thanks.
So pleased that Susan and her friends and family could join us adding another £70 to the total.
So happy to have pals Kath,Dorothy, Marlene, Kate, Margaret, Barbara and Linda on my table. Great Sing a long and lots of laughs as well as raising the total by £140.
Good to get to know neighbours Elaine and John more and very kind of them to bring along 22 of their friends making an extra £420. Fantastic dancers too!
Never a proper party without the Poplar Avenue people linda & Paul and Kate & Dave as well as Ian, Margaret, Fred and Janet. Great Fun and very kind.
Thank you to Rachel for bring four of her friends. Lovely to see them.
Lovely to have sponsor money from Hedley, chris and Molly.
Rest of the ticket money!
Pauline and her friends and family all came along. Great support as ever.
Although the website isn't registering it Abby and her friends made the huge sum of £104 between them. The sum has been added to Gareth's total even though it is not showing here. Thanks so much!
Abby and her friends, supported by her Mum and all the family raised a massive £104.46 on the Beer walk.The bucket collection raised £33. The rest were all generous donations from a very special group
from Dr Ronnie & Mrs Kershaw, Grasscroft. Much appreciated.
From Sue and Steve
From Dad's friend Jois Okell. Many thanks Jois.Much appreciated.
Well Done Phillip! Your're a star! xx
Well done Philip! You are a star X X
A really generous donation from Dad's pal John Lucas. Thanks John!
From Tony, Philip's colleague. Much appreciated Tony. Thanks.
From dad's cousin Peter and Barbara. Lovely to hear from you both. Thanks so much for your support.
Eileen and I have made a donation but put it through the visitors page. Still ends up in the same pot! It was great to see you both whizzing across Old Trafford from the Stretford End. Well done! Dad
We really hope it went well - takes a lot of courage that which is most admirable! Well done
From my Bangor on Dee Racing Pals. a great crowd and very kind.
Zipadeedoohdah! Bestist JulieX
First a hot air balloon and now a zip slide. You'll be jumping out of planes next! Good luck xx
from White Hart Pals.
from my Spanish Class.Mucho hecho Philip!
Well done - don't let go! Chris
From my kind pals at St Anne's Lydgate.
Go for it Philip. Gareth would really approve this one! Love Mum
Brave boy Philip! Good for you... Zip away x
from Mrs Nelson. a lovely gesture and much appreciated.
Another £45 from Jill's generous friends! We have really appreciated their support.
A fantastic effort! Jill and her friends very nearly triples the target. Thanks to everyone.
Good luck with the drop in Jill. We all really appreciate what you are doing. Love Jennifer
From my cousin Pat from Weston Super Mare and her husband Trevor....such lovely people and very kind.
This donation is special. It is from Janet who is from my locality and who also walked the Great Wall of China in memory of her partner. I only met her recently. She is a lovely person and very brave
Miss you so much Christmas 2010.With fondest Love, Your Mum
From wonderful Love Lydgate neighbours, Jill & Paddy, Ruth & John, Ruth Dyson & family and Dr & Mrs Ron Kershaw. Huge thanks to them all for such great support.