Gwood, 2 good memories of you both on our lads holiday to Thailand. The 1st was the flight out where you attemted to drink all the Bud on the Etihad flight and kept nudging me to ask for beers for you. After a while the hostesses just passed them straight to you even if it was my order, don't know how you walked down the steps but it was impressive. The 2nd was the day in Bangkok where we decided to walk back to our hotel instead of getting the monorail with the boys. I think it took us something like 3.5 hours to cover what should have been about a 2 mile walk. Needless to say we saw more of the city than was intended and knew we were lost but we just appreciated being somewhere away from the mundane and as usual ther was a mix of talking rubbish and banging the world to rights. Genuinely miss you mate.